Job seeker etiquette

It is imperative for job seekers to always put their best foot forward. And, it is not just about having solid credentials, background, experience, or skill set. First impressions will get you a long way so if you are applying for a job, make sure you observe proper job seeker etiquette.

Here are some tips from the experts from Excel Guyana’s Recruiting Division:

Conduct your own background check. Before applying for the job, conduct thorough research of the company and the position. A job requires commitment and you need to be well-versed in what you are getting into. Also, do not expect the interviewer to give you extensive information about the company and job. It is a given that you already know these and you can thoroughly discuss your answers to questions about the job and how you are the best fit for it.

Notify your references before including them in your resume. Your references must know that they have been included in your resume and provide them with information about the company and the position. This will give them context in answering question during background investigations.

Do not apply if commitment is going to be an issue. Selecting the best candidate for a job requires time, effort, and money. Thus, if you think you cannot commit, do not proceed with the application. It would not be wise to withdraw your application especially if you have already been selected and have gone through the entire process.

Communicate but know what, when, and how to ask questions. Keep your communication lines open for important schedules like interviews and additional submissions. During interviews, it is healthy to ask questions to clarify, learn more about the position and the company, and keep the conversation dynamic. However, never start with asking how much the salary is and never compare offers from other companies. Once the interview is done, ask when you will know about the result. Also, make sure to keep your follow-ups to a minimum.

Be corporate. Even if the company culture is lenient and allows casual dressing, make sure to power dress during interviews and show up earlier than the agreed schedule. Turn off your cell phone while the interview is ongoing to avoid distractions. Mind your manners and always be pleasant. Never go too personal or emotional in your answers and questions.

Keep a positive relationship with companies that denied your application. Once you have been notified that you did not get the job, send an appreciation letter to express that you are grateful that you have been considered for the job. Also, notify them if you wish to be considered for other job prospects in the future.

Excel Guyana’s Recruiting Division’s more than 30 years of leadership experience has helped companies grow their business and offer support in various facets of their operation including recruitment. It offers services to clients and partners in their recruitment needs including complying with local recruitment policies like the Local Content Registration. In addition, it also offers services to help job seekers in creating promising career paths and find sustainable employment in construction management, procurement and logistics, human resource, accounting, among others.

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Picture of Ewan Shanks

Ewan Shanks

As a member of the executive leadership team, Mr. Shanks is responsible for growing the organization’s local and international recruitment division to support businesses expanding in Guyana.

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